

care! A new Health Centre for the city

The increasing life expectancy of the European population and the general population growth within our cities demands greater health and medical care.

When looking at Berlin, a clear medical undersupply can be found. Existing medical oncall service is largely unknown due to its constant change in location and its variety of responsibilities. Emergency rooms in hospitals have therefore become the first point of contact for all physical ailments at any given time of the day or night.

These circumstances require a rethink of our current medical care structure. This project aims to combine primary care for people with outpatient injuries and a center for medical education and advice. Thus a new building typology has to be developed. A clearly visible and easily accessible building for health that creates the possibility of quick and easy cross-language contact with medical professionals for everyone regardless of insurance and origin.

BA Thesis 2019, UdK Berlin
In collaboration with Nicolas König

AKG-Förderpreis 2020, 3. Prize
‘Smart Emergency’

“Smart Emergency. Der neue Krankenhaustyp im Herzen der Stadt.”︎︎︎AKG Förderpeis 2020

“Eine gewisse Anzahl an Patienten kommt in die Notaufnahme, weil es komfortabel ist, wir gute Öffnungszeiten haben.”
Kevin Schulte, Arzt für Innere Medizin in Kiel